Jo Gusman’s Workshops

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Your English Learners From Policy to Practice to Ensure English Language Proficiency and ELA/Reading Achievement 2-Day Institute

Presenter: Jo Gusman and associates

Participants: District office federal and state categorical program administrators, school-level administrators, general education teachers, categorical program service providers (ELD/ESL, Title I reading, special education preceptors).

Seminar description:
Helping English learners develop English language and literacy proficiency has always been a priority for teachers and administrators. Its importance has only been heightened with the advent of ESSA accountability directives and requirements to establish, implement and sustain high-quality English language development programs designed to ensure that English learners develop both English language and content area proficiency, specifically ELA/reading and math. 
Using Mind-Brain-Education science principles, Culturally Responsive Education frameworks, neurobiology of bilingualism research, EL program compliance guidance, and her four decades of teaching experience as her foundation, Jo Gusman will share a powerful culturally responsive curriculum and instruction framework and several neuroscience-based processes and strategies. This framework and strategies will help administrators and teachers better meet their English learners (EL), Multilingual learners (ML), and Emergent Bilingual (EB) learners English Language Development (ELD), biliteracy, and academic needs.

Seminar Resource Handbook: Each person participating in this professional development opportunity will receive the required Seminar Resource Handbook that accompanies this workshop. This Seminar Resource Handbook includes workshop materials and classroom-ready frameworks, processes, strategies and techniques that participants can use immediately with their students.

In this two-day institute, participants will:

  • understand the four ways in which ESSA will change how schools serve English learners – from identification – reclassification -accountability for English Language Proficiency (ELP) -accountability for academic achievement.
  • understand the power of English language proficiency data to influence and inform ELA/reading instruction.
  • learn how to use Jo Gusman’s 4 Cs – CULTURE, CONTEXT, CONTACT, CONTENT CURRICULUM – and Instruction Framework© for planning English language development (ELD) and ELA/reading lessons that meaningfully engage English learners in compelling and culturally relevant content, concepts and texts.
  • explore the power of mindfully implementing the five differentiated instruction elements to provide culturally and linguistically diverse English learners with the appropriate English Language Development and ELA/reading curriculum modifications, instructional accommodations and tailored interventions.
  • learn how to develop differentiated English Language Development and ELA/reading curriculum and instruction plans to better meet the different type of Superdiverse English learners – newcomer, long-term, students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) and normatively progressing.
  • learn how to differentiate your Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to meet the needs of your culturally and linguistically diverse students – language, literacy, content area academic, behavioral and social-emotional.
  • learn how to infuse Jo Gusman’s Mind-Brain-Education Science processes, strategies and techniques into whole, small and one-to-one instructional structures.
  • engage in Jo Gusman’s Solution-Seekers Question and Answer Time – ask your job-specific questions and share ideas with your colleagues in one-to-one, small-group and whole-group structures.
  • expand your repertoire of tools – implement Jo Gusman’s recommended resources – websites, apps, books and articles.