Jo Gusman’s Workshops

Foundation-Frameworks-Tools Model Review - Recommendations - Results: English Learner Program Quality Review Process©

Presenter: Jo Gusman and associates
Participants: School superintendents, Federal and State Categorical Program administrators, school site administrators, school leadership team

Based on Mind-Brain-Health-Education Science (MBHE), Knowledge Management (KM), organizational psychology, biliteracy and language acquisition research, Jo Gusman’s Foundation-Frameworks-Tools Model© empowers administrators and teachers with a strong knowledge base and the tools and talents they need to effectively work with English learners (EL), Multilingual learners (ML), and Emergent Bilingual (EB) and all Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) learners.
Superintendents, district-level categorical program administrators, principals, and school leadership team members will mindfully and intentionally participate in the 
 Foundation-Frameworks-Tools EL Program Quality Review Process© to identify the “keepers and polishers” of their EL program. Participants will learn how to use the results from the EL program review to help them design and implement highly effective and compliance-based policies, programs, procedures and processes that have been specifically designed for all Superdiverse English learner typologies – immigrant, migrant, refugee, and all culturally and linguistically diverse learners.

Participants: Superintendents, federal and state categorical program administrators, curriculum and instruction directors, school site administrators (principals, vice principals), and school site leaders whose program responsibilities include English learners and all Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners.
To also be included at the appropriate phase of the FFT EL Program Quality Review Process: ELD/ESL specialists, general education classroom teachers, literacy specialists and coaches, registration personnel, counselors, parents and students. 
Number of days required to conduct EL Program Quality Review:
The duration required for your Foundation-Frameworks-Tools EL Program Quality Review Process© ranges from three to 10 days. Jo Gusman and the school district superintendent will determine the total number of days after Jo conducts the first phone conference interview and analysis.
EL Program Review Handbook: Each person participating in FFT EL Program Quality Review Process will receive the required EL Program Review Handbook.  The handbook includes all workshop and EL Program Review materials. 

Participants will:

  • Learn about the Foundation-Frameworks-Tools Model©. Based on the most current neuroscience, organizational psychology, language acquisition, culturally responsive education and biliteracy research, this model was designed to raise levels of academic achievement among culturally and linguistically diverse students, and to inspire and empower their teachers, administrators and parents. Learn how to apply this model and process to help you design highly effective, compliance-based programs for culturally and linguistically diverse learners.
  • Establish a solid foundation for your English Learner program. Learn and understand the laws that guide EL program design, how to establish and implement policies that comply with federal and state requirements, and how and what to focus on when analyzing each English learner’s English Language Proficiency (ELP), reading, and all content area academic achievement data that will guide instruction and improve student learning.
  • Create a solid foundation for teachers to become more effective with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners. How well do you know and understand your new clientele? What do you believe about language? Do you have “tool belt #1 or #2”? Learn the answers to these questions, and how those answers can dramatically influence language and literacy instruction. Gain understanding of the most current research and evidence-based tools that all educators must have to effectively teach Superdiverse English learners and all Culturally and Linguistically Diverse students.
  • Put up strong curriculum and instruction frameworks that meet the diverse needs of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners. What theoretical frameworks do you use to make your curriculum and instruction decisions? Implementing theoretical frameworks that were not designed for use with CLD students can lead to inaccurate ELA/Reading assessment data analysis, inappropriate placement in instructional programs, and low student achievement. Learn about theoretical frameworks designed specifically for EL/ML/Emergent Bilingual, immigrant, migrant, refugee, and all English learner typologies . Frameworks such as curriculum models, schedules, and lesson planning formats will be reviewed to determine their effectiveness with your EL/ML/EB learners.
  • Use the “right tool for the right job.” Research indicates that not all instructional strategies, processes and skill development techniques were conceived or designed specifically for culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Discover the most effective instructional models, processes, and strategies to use with all typologies and profiles of English learners at different English language proficiency (ELP) levels.
  • Create effective schools using Jo Gusman’s 4 Cs – CULTURE-CONTEXT-CONTACT-CONTENT Curriculum and Instruction Framework©. Using principles from organizational psychology, the neurosciences, environmental psychology and Culturally Responsive Education, Jo Gusman will show participants how to use her 4Cs Model to evaluate all facets of curriculum and instruction practices, decision-making mindsets, and a school’s climate to determine if the sociocultural, cognitive, linguistic and academic needs of their culturally and linguistically diverse learners are being met.
  • Implement Jo Gusman’s FFT ReviewàRecommendationsàResults Corrective Action Plan©. Who is going to do what, by when and how? Based on the findings of the 
 EL Program Quality Review Process© the leadership team will create a Foundation-Frameworks-Tools Action Plan©. This plan will delineate the specific roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder who oversees federal and state categorical programs, oversees ELA/Reading and ELD curriculum and instruction programs, and has contact with and/or provides services to EL/ML/EB learners.
  • Implement Jo Gusman’s Listen-Learn-Lead Coaching and Mentoring Process©. “People first, then numbers” is the approach by which participants learn how to use organizational psychology and Mind-Brain-Health-Education science principles to help inspire, motivate, facilitate, and guide all stakeholders to make the transition to implement new program changes mindfully and intentionally.
  • Lessons learned – success achieved! Learn about schools that have implemented the Foundation-Frameworks-Tools EL Program Quality Review Process© – lessons learned, “keepers and polishers,” and personal and professional transformation success stories.