Olivia Gutierrez Bolaños is a highly accomplished school administrator and bilingual educator with 11 years of classroom experience and 23 years of administrative leadership. Her ability to create an atmosphere of “familia” within the school community and her knowledge of the Hispanic culture helped lead to the academic success of her students. The dedication of Olivia and her staff to her Integrity-Based Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Community-Centered Process© helped transform her school into a model for meeting the sociocultural, linguistic, cognitive and academic needs of all culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families.
“Addressing the many needs of our families and communities came naturally to me,” said Olivia, whose family background is similar to that of many of her students. “Utilizing the strengths of students and parents helped to build a trusting relationship and bolster the academic success of my students. As a principal, I shared this knowledge with my teaching staff and together we guided the lowest-performing school in our district to achieve incredible academic gains, while building the capacity of the community to thrive. I developed my approach through my interactions with parents, teachers and students, actively listening and respectfully observing how parents and caregivers used and shared their gifts, tools and talents with their children and school community.” Her approach demonstrably elevated student learning and relationships with families.
Addressing the Sociocultural, Linguistic, Cognitive and Academic Needs of Your Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners, Families and Communities
Addressing the sociocultural, linguistic, cognitive and academic needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners, families and communities can be daunting. The reality is that teachers and administrators have the potential, gifts and talents to meet their needs through culturally and linguistically responsive education, neuroscience research, differentiated instruction best practices, and context-based, concrete and easy-to-implement action items that uplift their school culture and advance the progress of their students and their families. Discover how to create activities related to the two critical dimensions of family engagement: trusting relationships and establishing connections to student learning.
In this workshop participants will:
Are you ready to do the work? Are you committed to student success? Are you committed to your families and communities? If so, be ready to be pleasantly surprised. Join me on this meaningful, uplifting and powerful professional learning opportunity.
Olivia Bolaños
Teachers and administrators
Adjunct Professor, Cal Lutheran University (2024)
District Site Administrator (2007–2019)
As district administrator Olivia oversaw staff development programs for administrators,
certificated staff members and classified personnel, and she planned and directed creation of the District Local Accountability Plan and the Dual language Immersion Master Plan. Teacher and parent participation in the district gifted and music program increased under her watch.
School site administrator (1996–2007)
During Olivia’s tenure as an administrator, parental participation and engagement increased tenfold. She initiated the first Parent Engagement for Quality Education (PIQE) program in the district with over 300 graduates.
Bilingual teacher (1985–1996)
Education and credential
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (1984–2000)
Professional Clear Administrative Services Credential
Selected presentations
Association of California School Administrators
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