Presenter: Jo Gusman and associates
Participants: This workshop is specifically designed for Spanish-speaking families. Classroom teachers, ELD/ESL specialists, reading specialists, instructional assistants, student teachers, administrators, school nurses and clerical staff members are also invited to attend
Description: Jo Gusman will empower Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers and their children with a neuroscience-based foundation to explore how the Bilingual-Biliterate-Bicultural-Bicognitive© brain learns, and how to nurture their child’s abilities and build upon their strengths. Jo will share a variety of practical ideas for incorporating the use of Mind-Brain-Health-Education science into their daily activities and when helping their children with their homework. In addition, parents and caregivers will walk away with practical ways to promote their child’s learning, build communication, support the learning environment of their child and strengthen their role in their child’s education. Parents will receive a VisualEyes Laminated Quick Reference Guide© outlining important neuroscience research, Jo Gusman’s Neuroscience-Based Language and Biliteracy strategies, and a list of resources to aid in their personal research. In this idea-packed seminar, Jo Gusman will show parents how they can take an active role in creating a successful school experience for their child, using neuroscience, biliteracy, and Culturally Responsive Education research, frameworks, processes and strategies that can be applied immediately.
VisualEyes Laminated Quick Reference Guide©: Each person participating in this professional development opportunity will receive the required VisualEyes Laminated Quick Reference Guide that accompanies this workshop. This VisualEyes Laminated Quick Reference Guide includes workshop materials and ready to use neuroscience-based processes, strategies, techniques that parents/caregivers can use immediately with their children.
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