As Jo Gusman likes to say, “We’re all in the same choir – the Advocates for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners Choir.” When we sing as a choir we come together as a group of individuals with our own unique talents and experiences, but we work as a team to create something bigger than ourselves – para server – to be of service.
Singing in harmony doesn’t mean that we sing the same way as everyone else. It means we complement what others are doing in a way that strengthens and benefits the entire message. Singing in harmony is respecting the unique contributions that everyone in the group is making and collaborating to create one cohesive program.
We need to know what voice to use when advocating for our Emergent Bilinguals’ sociocultural, linguistic, academic and cognitive needs. Sometimes we need a solo voice to punch through, sometimes a small group, and finally it may require the whole choir singing in unison, when advocating for our Emergent Bilingual learners and their families.
During this interactive keynote address, Jo Gusman will share the obstacles she has encountered, lessons learned, and celebrations she has experienced throughout her purpose-driven, 48-year career that began as a bilingual instructional assistant, classroom teacher, biliteracy specialist, and later as a teacher educator, curriculum developer and policy advisor.
Jo will share processes and strategies that she hopes will inspire, guide, support and renew her fellow choir members as they continue their advocacy-focused, purpose-driven life of service.
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