Jo Gusman’s Workshops

Tailored Keynote Address

Jo Gusman will work with you to create a meaningful and purpose-filled keynote address that aligns to your conference or professional learning workshop theme and message.  
Jo will use Mind-Brain-Health-Education Science principles and processes, neurobiology of bilingualism research, federal and state Categorical Program guidance, and four decades of teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners as her foundation, as she designs your tailored keynote address. 

On the day of your event, Jo will deliver an inspirational keynote address that will clearly communicate your organization’s Purpose-Picture-Plan-Part to Play and invite every participant to use what they learned to better meet the sociocultural, cognitive, linguistic, and academic needs your Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners and their families.

The 4Ps

  • Purpose: What is the purpose for implementing the new idea/initiative/program?
  • Picture:  What is your vision? What is our shared vision? What will it look, sound, and feel like as we go into-through-beyond implementing the new program?
  • How will you support, encourage and guide all stakeholders as they implement the new program to meet the needs of your Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners?
  • Plan:  What is the step-by-step plan for implementing the new vision and program? How will you differentiate the implementation process to meet each stakeholder’s  ways of learning, leading, and teaching?
  • Part to Play:  How will you honor each stakeholder’s tools, talents, and gifts so that every adult and student succeeds?